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1. Call to Order
4. Public Comments: Persons may address the City Council on any issues. This is the appropriate time for citizens to address the Council on any concern whether on this agenda or not. In accordance with the State of Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council may not comment or deliberate such statements during this period, except as authorized by Section 551.042, Texas Government Code.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Continue Public Hearing on a request by Josh Millsap, KFM Engineering & Design, for a detailed Site Plan review for a proposed Subdivision development, Dove Hollow, within a Planned Development zoning district, located adjacent to and south of Grove Creek Rd (Property ID 192636, 192643, 192639, 192645) – Owner: CEH 212 LP (SP-75-2020)
8. Public Hearing on a request by Ryan Combs, Gardner Capital, for a Zoning Change from a Single Family-3 zoning district to Planned Development-Multiple Family-2, with Concept Plan, located at the Southeast corner of Parks School House Road and East Main Street (Property ID 138271) - Owner: STARPEACH TEXAS LP (ZDC-77-2020)
10. Consider resolution giving direction to the Ellis County Tax Office for calculating the voter approval tax rate for tax year 2020
11. Comments by Mayor, City Council, City Attorney and City Manager
Jul 06, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
1. Call to Order
4. Public Comments: Persons may address the City Council on any issues. This is the appropriate time for citizens to address the Council on any concern whether on this agenda or not. In accordance with the State of Texas Open Meetings Act, the Council may not comment or deliberate such statements during this period, except as authorized by Section 551.042, Texas Government Code.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Continue Public Hearing on a request by Josh Millsap, KFM Engineering & Design, for a detailed Site Plan review for a proposed Subdivision development, Dove Hollow, within a Planned Development zoning district, located adjacent to and south of Grove Creek Rd (Property ID 192636, 192643, 192639, 192645) – Owner: CEH 212 LP (SP-75-2020)
8. Public Hearing on a request by Ryan Combs, Gardner Capital, for a Zoning Change from a Single Family-3 zoning district to Planned Development-Multiple Family-2, with Concept Plan, located at the Southeast corner of Parks School House Road and East Main Street (Property ID 138271) - Owner: STARPEACH TEXAS LP (ZDC-77-2020)
10. Consider resolution giving direction to the Ellis County Tax Office for calculating the voter approval tax rate for tax year 2020
11. Comments by Mayor, City Council, City Attorney and City Manager
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